Monday, August 30, 2010


An avatar is the tool i used today on voki. An avatar is a picture cartoons clipart etc. to express your self online. There are several different kinds and websites to use these. today we used voki.

Whats on voki? A voki is a avatar website this websites allow our avatar to talk. You can make it talk using a few different tools like you can use your cell phone or a micro phone to use your own voice or you can also type and change the accents of it. The avatar can move the eyes will follow your mouse which i think s kinda cool. The only thing that i do not like about this site is since it is free there aren't as many choices, but at least its free. This is a cool website to visit, and mess around on so you should create and account now.

Friday, August 20, 2010

how i currently use social media

My favorite thing to do is talking to my friends on facebook and keeping up with what they are doing. Especially the friends that don't live near me. 

I use facebook so i can see what my friends in the other towns or states are doing mostly, but i also like looking at everyones pictures.It is a good source to see how people change. I use picnik and edit pictures that my friends and me put on there.

I want to Learn all kinds of stuff so i have more things to do on the computer.